A 17 to 25 year old male with a 36 inch waist. A bmi of 185 of 249 is considered normal weight.

The Ultimate Air Force 1 Sizing And Fit Guide Farfetch
Air force body measurement. If you are currently an air force rotc cadet before you can be eligible for a scholarship youll be required to meet air force rotc weight and fitness standards. Using skin fold calibers. All components of the fitness assessment must be completed within a three hour window on the same day. Body mass index is defined as body mass divided by the square of height. The body composition score is determined by measuring the abdominal circumference and comparing the measurement to a body composition point chart. Learn about great opportunities for enlisted airmen officers and health care professionals.
It takes extra time and effort to measure body fat so the services use weight charts to do an initial screening. Consequentially on the weight side you can be a maximum of 250 lbs and a minimum of 91 lbs. Read about the air forces height and weight requirements in the following charts. You can find out yours by using an online bmi calculator. As you can see the absolute tallest you can be in the air force is 80 inches or 6 8 and the shortest you can be is 4 10. Air force weight chart malefemale army weight chart males army weight chart females navy weight chart malefemale marine corps weight chart male marine corps weight chart female.
The air force uses weightbody fat measurements only for initial entry and a body composition measurement is an integrated component of the air force physical fitness test. The standard is a maximum body fat of 20 for males under 30 24 for males over 30. There are no waivers for exceeding required body fat limits. This requires using calibers to pinch specific areas on the body to take measurements. Individuals who exceed the maximum weights are measured for a body fat percentage. Welcome to the united states air force.
The test 15 mile run situps pushups and waist circumference last saw a change three years ago when the air force implemented the body mass index and body fat tests as an alternative to. If you exceed the fitness standards for body mass index and are on scholarship your scholarship offer may be withdrawn. Calculating body mass index. With all this said the air force requirements are contingent upon a weight range for your height. The air force uses an overall composite fitness score and minimum scores per component based on aerobic fitness body composition and muscular fitness components to determine overall fitness.