The objective of this study was to determine the practicality of using linear body measurement traits to predict live weight of goats and sheep under communal grazing in three districts of. The objective of this study was to determine the practicality of using linear body measurement traits to predict live weight of goats and sheep under communal grazing in three districts of botswana namely central kweneng and kgalagadi.

Meat Goats The American Goat Federation
Association of body measurement traits with body weight goat. Physical characteristics of the pygmy goat. Data on age and body weight at breeding parity previous litter size days open and some descriptive body linear traits from 389 meat type prolific black bengal goats in tripura state of india were collected for 3 and 12 years 2007 to 2010 and analyzed using logistic regression model. Although inflation in λ is proportional to sample size. Heart girth and paunch girth of barki lambs were significantly p005 higher than those of zaraibi kids. Consider raising pygmy goats for profit or keep them as pets. Traditionally animals are visually assessed which is a subjective method of.
Manhattan plots and qq plots of body weight traits. Manhattan plots of genome wide association results for body weight traits using. The study was conducted to investigate the relationship between body weight linear body measurement traits and. Pygmy goats can live for up to 15 years. Factors influencing meat production traits and their association with body weight dimensions. South african journal of animal science.
The colors of the pygmy goat can vary. Traits were taken on each goat in. Ten males of each of barki lambs and zaraibi kids fattened up to 12 months old were used to investigate the influence of species on body measurements and carcass traitsrelationships between body weight and carcass traits with body measurements were also examined. Introduction size and conformation are important characteristics in meat animals. Pairwise pearson correlations were estimated using bodyweight bw and morphological trait measurements namely heart girth hg shoulder height sh and. Used to predict the body weight of red sokoto goats in the field and for selection purposes.
Association between body weight. Some of them are gray white brown or black. The body measurement traits data of goats directly reflect the body size structure and development which are closely related to the physiological function and production performance of goats. In the goat industry the body measurement traits data could be used to guide the scientific raising and breeding of goats. Body weight body dimensions path coefficients red sokoto goats nigeria. Genetic analysis of body weight in south african angora kids and young goats.
Many more characteristics of pygmy goat breed along with advantages of the breed are discussed below.