Mind body spirit weight loss isnt just about the body so i created a fun spread with lots of stickers to remind me to take care of my mind and spirit as well. Bullet journaling is pretty simple and straight forward so there are basically only two things necessary a journal and pens.

Body Measurements Chart Goals Bullet Journal Bullet
Body measurement bullet journaling. Health fitness tracking learning to love the way we feel in our bodies can be a difficult journey. I prefer the squared paper because i use checkboxes all the time so the squares. Boho berry set out on an eight week journey to track her health and fitness through workout plans and meal planning in an effort to help her feel better about a body she already loved. Weight loss jar tracker printable. Each time i get to tick something even small thats part of my goal i feel super accomplished and it keeps me motivated. Great for planning and achieving your weight loss goals.
Bullet journal weight loss pages from the petite planner. This 5 page bullet journal health set includes. Bullet journal for fitness final thoughts. Free printable coloring menu planner from artsy fartsy mama. Weight loss star chart printable. Yoga journal from tabayag.
Body measurements tracker printable. The two most common types of bullet journals have either dot grid paper or squared paper. You could use this spread to keep track of how many pounds you have lost. Mind body spirit what im tracking. As you can see bullet journaling is a great way to keep track of your fitness routine. A year of workouts printable via the petite planner.
How to stay motivated to your bullet journal. Using a bullet journal to work towards goals. 15 health and fitness bullet journal pages for weight loss 1. Free bullet journal fitness tracker printable set. She crossed off the pounds as she lost them in her bullet journal and then rewarded herself with a new item of clothing every time she managed to lose five pounds. Once you have that specific and realistic goal.
Writer erinne magee lost 10 pounds in a month and she says she kept motivated to stick to her weight loss goals by using two strategies. As with all your goals. I always break my goals into actionable steps and trackable things that i can mark off as i move towards my goal. Bullet journal for weight loss layout 7. So do log your weight and body measurements to truly see where you are each week. Bullet journalingor bujocan help you reach your weight loss goals by logging things that impact your weight like diet and exercise habits.
In this example i created a weight loss tracking page for someone who is trying to lose 100 pounds. Did you know that bullet journaling can help you keep your fitness goals. Try these bullet journal ideas and lose weight with these bullet journal workout trackers. Water challenge template from to insanity and back.