The human body illustrates the golden section or divine proportion. The blue line a golden section.

Body Proportions Wikipedia
Body measurement ratio meanings. The divine proportion in the body the white line is the bodys height. The free qardio app displays your results and keeps track of goals and progress. Waist hip ratio is sometimes used as an indicator of certain health conditions. These include age muscle fat ratio height sex and body fat distribution or body shape. Its just one of several measures along with bmi that your doctor can use to evaluate. Bmi is an estimate of body fat and a good measure of your patients risk for diseases that can occur with overweight and obesity.
The numbers in a ratio may be quantities of any kind such as counts of people or objects or such as measurements of lengths weights time etc. For adults a healthy weight is defined as the appropriate body weight in relation to height. Waist to hip ratio is a quick and easy way to check how much weight you carry around your middle. 2097 01069 x height in centimeters 02466 x weight in kilograms total body weight tbw in liters to get the percentage of water in your body assume 1 liter equals 1 kilogram and. Body mass index body mass index bmi is a weight to height ratio used to determine if someone is at a healthy weight. The widely used body mass index bmi provides a measure that allows the comparison of the adiposity of individuals of different heights and weights.
Well use the golden ratio building blocks developed on the life page again for each line segment. The value is calculated by dividing waist measurement by hip measurement. The human body is based on phi and 5. A study published in 2007 evaluated the usefulness of the inbodys body water measurement in body fluid assessment and whether it could be a determining indicator of dry weight. Similarly the ratio of lemons to oranges is 68 or 34 and the ratio of oranges to the total amount of fruit is 814 or 47. The body fat percentage is a measure of fitness level since it is the only body measurement which directly calculates a persons relative body composition without regard to height or weight.
Having excess weight can affect a persons risk of developing a number of health conditions including. Correlation to body weight in normal ecw ratiodefined as bia dwwas examined against the clinical dry weight cdw based on ctr hanp ivc etc. A person with a 34 waist and 40 hip would therefore have a waist hip ratio of 3440 or 085. Bmi is calculated with the formula. This ratio of weight to height is known as the body mass index bmi. This article breaks down each measurement your smart scale provides helping you better understand your body.
In most contexts both numbers are restricted to be positive. Waist hip ratio whr is defined as the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference.