The haryana government has reduced the physical height criteria for the constables male as well female for recruitment in the state police. As we also told you above that the official department haryana police will release the posts of constable and sub inspector.

Haryana Police Constable Recruitment 2019 Apply For 6400
Criteria of haryana police body measurement. It is a golden opportunity for those who wish to become police constable or sub inspector in haryana police department. Keep reading this article and get all. 3 sub inspector. Candidates can apply online for hssc recruitment 2020 on or before 11th july 2020 from the official website. Haryana police cut off marks of the written test will depend on total openings level of the exam no. 2 constable female cat.
Final selection and cutoff. Haryana police recruitment 2017 notification released for 6095 constable posts in general duty telecommunication wing mounted armed police and bandsman postseligible work candidates can apply through online. We will provide you every single information about haryana police 2020 bharti through our page. Hssc haryana police bharti 2020. Haryana police recruitment hssc advt 62019 recruitment notification for 5000 post of constable male 1000 post of constable female and 400 post of sub inspector male. Of aspirants appeared for the written test etc.
The candidate must have passed minimum qualification is a 12th from a recognized board are eligible for the post of haryana police constable. The haryana staff selection commission hssc has rescheduled for the date of application form on october 16th 2020 considering the effect of a pandemic caused by the covid 19 outbreak. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria of haryana police recruitment 2021 may submit their applications through proper channel. Before applying the post candidate check haryana police female constable eligibility criteria for any govt post. Haryana police recruitment 2020 notifications will be released online for various posts for which all candidates who are interested can apply. Prescribed applications will be invited against various vacancies of sub inspector and constable posts.
Haryana police recruitment 2020. The criteria has been reduced by two centimeters in case of general categories while one centimeter in case of reserved categories. So candidates need to stay in touch with us to get brief details about hssc police bharti 2020. Haryana police will shortly release the notification of haryana police recruitment 2021. The online registration starting and last date details vary for constable vacancies in gb telecommunication wing and map. The haryana state police recruitment board is fully holding the right to fix the cut off marks for available posts.
Haryana staff selection commission has invited online applications for the haryana police recruitment 2019 recruitment for police department haryana for category 1 constable male cat. According to the hssc notification 2020 the haryana police recruitment 2020 application form starts from 12th june 2020 to submit onlinecandidates are advised to first check the haryana police constable eligibility criteria via notification. Haryana police department is the law implementation organization in the state of haryana and it requires manpower in various cadres like constable sub inspector etc.