Body fat testing using neck and waist measurements based on parameters established by the navy are different for men and women. Start with the tape at the base of your neck in the back and bring it to your natural waist.

What Body Fat Percentage Do I Need To See Abs Popsugar Fitness
How to take ab body measurement. Watch this video to learn how to take a simple set of b. Measure the circumference of your chest. A cloth measuring tape is a good option or you could use one specifically made for taking body measurements such as the myotape body tape measure. For accuracy take your measurements at least twice. The natural waist is the smallest point of your waist unlike where clothes waistlines are located these days and is usually an inch or two above your bellybutton. To get the best results take your body measurements while undressed or in lightweight clothing.
Taking your body measurements before during and after your fitness transformation is very important. For additional detail take your nape to waist measurement in a similar way. For example when measuring your waist some people take the measurement below the belly button when your natural waistline is located above the belly button. For each of the skinfold sites take three measurements and use the average of those three. Measure the circumference around your natural waist and your lower waist two separate measurements. Your lower waist is the widest part of your waist usually at the bellybutton or just below where weight.
But dont take the three measurements consecutively instead run through all the sites three times. Place the body fat calipers less than 12 inch from your pinch midway between the crest and the base. Be sure to use a flexible inelastic tape measure. Have your friend take your shoulder to waist measurements from the front and back sides of your body. To take your own measurements youll need a cloth tape measure and a full length mirror. Stand with your feet together and body relaxed for all the measurements.
Keep your arms at your sides and if possible have a someone else like a friend or relative take the measurements. Check out the easy to follow instructions for getting accurate measurements for each body part below. Lesson 1 how to take body measurement. For men measure the circumference of the neck by placing a measuring tape directly on the skin just below the larynx also known as the adams apple and extend the tape horizontally all the way around the neck.