Factor and multiple regression analysis were carried out on morphological traits body length body width bill length bill width bill height shank length body height head length head width neck length wing. Linear body measurement traits have been indicated as the good predictor of body weight in different chicken genotypes including chinese indigenous dagu chicken genotype tyasi et al 2017.

Relationship Of Age And Live Weight To Linear Body Traits In
Linear body measurement and body weight of poultry. The parameters measured were body weight bw body length bl heart girth hg wing length wl shank length sl and shank thickness st. The phenotypic correlation for body weight and linear body measurement was high and positively significant p001 in nb. In the two commercial broiler strains the relationship between body weight and body girth body weight and keel length and body weight and thigh length were best described. The phenotypic correlation estimates for body weight and linear body measurement at 12 16 and 20 weeks of age for the strains are shown in table 7. Pair wise correlation between body weight and the linear body measurements were positive and highly significant r 0166 0697 in males and 0411 0714 in females. Body measurement was regressed against body weight at 9 weeks of age using simple linear and non linear exponential and double log regression analyses.
Body weight can be predicted from linear measurements breast girth and keel length for crossbred egg type chickens and adeniji and ayorinde 1990 for cobb broiler strain. Pairwise pearson correlations were estimated using bodyweight bw and morphological trait measurements namely heart girth hg shoulder height sh and. Br strains also observed the same trend except against kl. Use of factor analysis scores in multiple regression model for estimation of body weight from some body measurement in muscovy duck. The objective of this study was to determine the practicality of using linear body measurement traits to predict live weight of goats and sheep under communal grazing in three districts of botswana namely central kweneng and kgalagadi. Linear body measurement traits have been indicated as the good predictor of body weight in different chicken genotypes including chinese indigenous dagu chicken genotype tyasi et al 2017.
Data were collected on the birds from day old to 9 weeks of age. Data on body weight bw and body measurements linear body length bl chest circumference cc crus cs femur fr tarsometatarsus tm were individually collected from 300 mature local chickens at three markets in makurdi local government area lga of benue state between february and june 2005. The prediction of body weight from body girth keel length and thigh length was studied using one hundred ross and one hundred anak titan broilers.