It was found that all the linear body measurements. 6 20 literature review 21 introduction.

Morphological Measurements And Body Indices For Cuban Creole
Linear body measurement of goat. The aim of study was to see relationship of body weight with linear body measurement in different five age groups 0 3 4 6 7 12 13 36 and above 36 months. All their f ratios are highly significant at p001 confirming the significance of these variables on the prices of the animals. Data on body weight and four zoometrical measurements rump height withers height heart girth and body length of 135 non descript goats were used to develop linear quadratic and allometric. Linear software will not be held responsible for any injury or problems resulting from the use of body tracker my workout trainer or this web site. The objective of this study was to determine the practicality of using linear body measurement traits to predict live weight of goats and sheep under communal grazing in three districts of botswana namely central kweneng and kgalagadi. Data on live body weight linear body measurement and physical body character were collected from randomly selected 600 297 male and 303 female goats and categorized into age group of 04 12 13 18 19 24 and 24 35 months equivalent.
The data was collected for 297 goats 96 males and 201 females. For specific information regarding your body fat percentage or health please consult your physician. For begait goat body weight and linear body. 5 chapter 2 literature review. The total 799 osmanabadi goat were surveyed out of which 270 were male and 529 were female. Develop functional model for predicting body weight using different body measurements.
Between live weight and linear measurements in maefur goat population under traditional management system. Correlations between body weight and linear body measurements were computed for the population within group of sex. Sas version 92 sas 2008 procedure was used to determine the best measurement for the estimation of body weight from linear body measurements. Pairwise pearson correlations were estimated using bodyweight bw and morphological trait measurements namely heart girth hg shoulder height sh and. The correlation relationship between body measurements and the live weights of sheep are presented in table 3. However information on body weight and linear body measurements of goats in malaysia is scarce.
The study was conducted to predict the live body weight of abergelle goat breed using linear body measurements in tigray region northern ethiopia. Linear body measurements such as body length heart girth and height at withers and body weight is found to be positive in goats and could be used as selection criteria for the goats khan et al 2006. Linear body measurements and prices of goats. Establish direct and indirect causal effects between body weight and linear body measurements of indigenous goats. The animals were grouped into four age groups of 0 ppi 1 ppi 2 ppi and 3 ppi.