The data for this study was collected from 24 guinea pigs raised intensively to 12 weeks. Location of study.

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Linear body measurement. The animals were grouped into four age groups of 0 ppi 1 ppi 2 ppi and 3 ppi. Interrelationship between body weight and linear body measurements. Pairwise pearson correlations were estimated using bodyweight bw and morphological trait measurements namely heart girth hg shoulder height sh and. For specific information regarding your body fat percentage or health please consult your physician. Linear measurements of body are kind of growth indicators in animal life goe et al 2001. A total of 352 mature cows and 100 heifers were weighed using an.
Studies on body weight and linear body measurements of castrate and non castrate savannah brown goats were carried out using ten goats consisting of two treatments t 1 and t 2t 1 represents castrates and t 2 represents non castrates. To test the accuracy of body linear measurements for predicting liveweight crossbred dairy cattle of different genotypes were measured and weighed. Abergelle goat breed had an average live weight of 17. However the relationship between linear body measurements and stature varies across populations implying the need for the development of population specific prediction equation. The data was collected for 297 goats 96 males and 201 females. Attah et al 2004 also it is likely determining these linear measurements would help to predict body weight and carcass traits in future atta and el khidir 2004.
An attempt will be made to also find out the degree of association between body weight and linear body measurements. Livestock weight is crucial for all farmers to avoid the loss of money especially for commercial farmers. The objective of this study was to determine the practicality of using linear body measurement traits to predict live weight of goats and sheep under communal grazing in three districts of botswana namely central kweneng and kgalagadi. Body weight and linear measurements such as heart girth body length and height at wither have been used in predicting carcass composition in goats kahlodi 2014. Body length the length of your body. Linear software will not be held responsible for any injury or problems resulting from the use of body tracker my workout trainer or this web site.
Handbreadth handsbreadth any unit of length based on the breadth of the human hand. The study was conducted to predict the live body weight of abergelle goat breed using linear body measurements in tigray region northern ethiopia. The objective of this study was to develop a formula that predicts height from arm span half arm span and knee height for ethiopian adults and assess its agreement with measured height. Linear measure synonyms linear measure pronunciation linear measure translation english dictionary definition of linear measure. Materials and methods. Results indicated no significant p005 difference between the weight gain of castrates and non castrates.
Body linear measurements and specifically heart girth hg have been shown to be useful predictors of cattle liveweight.