This can be your actual waist or where you want your skirt to siti prefer to do actual waist and then change up my pattern from there. Absolutely no baggy clothes.

Us Skirt Size
What are the body measurement needed for making skirt. And knowing how to make a skirt pattern has enabled me to make many skirts for myself over the years. If youd like to make your own skirts using a basic skirt block youre in the right place as this tutorial will walk you through the steps needed to draft a skirt block and develop it into a skirt pattern. Skirt length stand straight measure from your waist to your desired skirt length. We are going to see a graphical demonstration of the parts of the body that need to be measured or the measurements of the body that should be taken before embarking on the art of cutting and sewing a skirt or a blouse. And a well fitting block is critical to the success of everything you make. Measurements for drafting the skirt block skirt sloper the measurements.
How to measure your body. I have singled out skirt and blouse as the subjects of our tutorial. Skirt block or skirt sloper there are really only 4 measurements needed to create the skirt block but if you prefer to divide the waist and hips measurements into the frontback arcs then you need 8 measurements. Otherwise make sure you are wearing form fitting clothing like a tank top and leggings and your typical day to day undergarments. Your waist your hips your waist to hip length and your skirt length for this well be using a waist to knee measurement. Some general guidelines for taking body measurements the person being measured should stand straight on both feet feet some 15 cms apart.
Taking body measurements to make the pattern drafted skirt block the first stage of the skirt draft is measuring yourself or your friend. Taking accurate body measurements is one of the keys to great fit. It is better to wear fitted clothes when measuring. Measure from your waist to the starting position of your lower hip this is usually 7 to 8 below the waist in general however this measurement can be up to 10 inches for taller ladies with more body mass. Whether you choose to make your pattern block from a commercial fitting pattern or draft it from measurements having accurate measurements is critical to the success of your block. For example lets say you want to make a basic a line skirt in a size 14 but the pattern only goes up to size 12.
The measurements you need are shown in the image below. To start with you need four measurements. Your bust level and circumference measurement will change with and without a bra on so if you plan on wearing a bra with your finished garment make sure you wear one during the measuring process. This can skew the measurements. How much wearing ease you need to add to basic body measurements depends on overall body size the larger the size the more ease you need to add. You or your chum should just wear your normal underclothes normal pantyhose and normal bra as you might when you wear the top layer of the skirt.
How to take body measurements for perfect fit. If the total amount of ease added at the hipline is 3¼.