Comfortable easily accessible site for temperature measurement reflects the lingual artery temperature more accurate than acillary temperatures but less accurate than rectal temperatures disadvantages. If patients have been lying with their ear on a pillow allow 20 minutes to elapse so the temperature can normalise bridges and thomas 2009.

Table 1 From Intricacies Of Body Temperature Measurement
Advantages and disadvantages of sites for body temperature measurement. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. The precision and accuracy of temperature measurements at different sites within the body have been evaluated 3 4 and each site has its advantages and disadvantages. Although each method has its own advantages and disadvantages compared with the conservative mercury in glass thermometers there are conflicting opinions about the optimal anatomic site for measuring body temperature as well about the variations in measurements with different methods. In this post i made an effort to conclude all the. Advantages of this site are that the measurement does not appear to be influenced by oral fluids or diet environmental temperature or other extraneous variables robb and shahab 2001. If youre considering natural contraception method as a way to avoid pregnancy i personally believe the basal body temperature method is a great option.
Contact type and non contact type. Readily accessible reflects the core temperature very fast. Comfortable easily accessible site for temperature measurement reflects the lingual artery temperature more accurate than acillary temperatures but less accurate than rectal temperatures disadvantages. Repeated measurements may vary right and left measurements can differ presence of cerumen can affect the reading. Thermometers typically indicate with sound or other signal when the reading has stabilized and temperature may be read. But of course just like in any other life fields you should first consider the basal body temperature method advantages and disadvantages and decide if its the right one for you.
Infrared temperature measurement technology plays an important role in the production process. Start studying advantages and disadvantages of sites for body temperature measurements. Advantages and disadvantages of infrared thermometer infrared thermometers which measure body temperature through infrared rays are divided into two types. The ideal site for monitoring temperature should reflect the core temperature and should be associated with minimal or no morbidity. Can be uncomfortable and involves risk of injuring the membrane if the probe is inserted too far. Thermometers typically indicate with sound or other signal when the reading has stabilized and temperature may be read.