A handful is a rough measurement of the quantity of dry substances that can fit into a cupped hand. At some point years ago i picked up the seemingly useless piece of information that an ancient unit of measurement called the cubit was the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger.

Measurement Systems Science Learning Hub
Ancient measurement body parts. This gives him a total of 96 degrees zero being the freezing point of brine and 96 in his somewhat inaccurate reading the average temperature of human blood. Early weight units may have derived casually from the use of certain stones or containers or from determinations of what a person or animal could lift or haul. At first an inch was the width of a mans thumb. Devin johnston on january 21 2009 259 am. Example chefs use handfuls to measure grains rice. Another measurement that i use is an inch made by bending my ring finger into a tabletop shape.
What an interesting post. Then wherever you are. These estimates are just that. Body measurements and common natural items probably provided the most convenient bases for early linear measurements. For an average adult male at least average as of a couple of millennia ago a cubit works out to about 18 inches 457cm. 10 responses to body parts as tools of measurement chris on january 21 2009 136 am.
A more accurate way use your body parts to estimate length is to know your own measurements. Measurement of objects using body parts the handful the thumb measures 1 inch which is now the basis of measurement. The ancient egyptian units of measurement are those used by the dynasties of ancient egypt prior to its incorporation in the roman empire and general adoption of roman greek and byzantine units of measurementthe units of length seem to have originally been anthropic based on various parts of the human body although these were standardized using cubit rods strands of rope and official. Measurement is conventionally done in multiples of 2 3 and 4 so fahrenheit splits his scale into 12 sections each of them divided into 8 equal parts. Long before the thumb would be used to measure almost everything. The length of a foot the width of a finger and the distance of a step were all accepted measurements.
The width of your own palm the length of your own foot and so on. These units are thus considered to be human scale and anthropocentric. Related to the last point the french word for inch is pouce which also. In the 14th century king edward ii of england ruled that 1 inch equalled 3 grains of barley placed end to end lengthwise. The handful measurement of objects using body parts. This is a list of units of measure based on human body parts or the attributes or abilities of humans.
Example carpenters use their thumb to measure small insignificant measurements. The quantity and the weight of the substance can be roughly identified. The romans used this measurement and so can you. It does not include derived units further unless they are also themselves human based. In ancient times the body ruled when it came to measuring.