This body fat measurement test works similar to that of a scale except it doesnt measure your weight. As a rule of thumb greater body resistance means a higher fat percentage.

Principles And Testing Methods Of Earth Ground Resistance
Body resistance measurement. You can measure the resistance using a multimeter. It describes the entire weight of your body minus your body fat. Rsource is the series resistance you put between supply and body. Using just your body weight or basic low cost equipment as resistance. Unlike bodyweight exercises that involve your body moving through space for the most part resistance exercises require being still while you move weight around your body. Strength training also called weight training or resistance training is an important part of any fitness routine.
Human body resistance and temperature measurement device article pdf available in advanced materials research 62 64153 158 january 2009 with 4187 reads how we measure reads. We know that the resistance goes up as the length increases and it decreases as the diameter decreases. Bioelectrical impedance analysis bia is a commonly used method for estimating body composition in particular body fat and muscle massin bia a weak electric current flow through the body and the voltage is measured in order to calculate impedance resistance of the body. The resistance of men body is low as compared with women. Now what i want to know is would this be the resistance of my whole body or would it be the shortest path the current would take. There are lot of factors involved in measuring the indivigual resistance of a body.
Your lean body mass lbm is the total weight of your organs skin bones body water and muscles. Resistance training is any exercise that adds external load to the body through some sort of mechanical process. Cbody and rbody are human body capacitance and resistance. In a traditional plethysmograph or body box the test subject or patient is placed inside a sealed chamber the size of a small telephone booth with a single. Different skin conditions changes this resistance. I measured my resistance over dry skin to be close to 1m ohm.
To understand these variables you have to understand what lean body mass and body cell mass means. Pulmonary plethysmographs are commonly used to measure the functional residual capacity frc of the lungsthe volume in the lungs when the muscles of respiration are relaxedand total lung capacity. Using the 2 probes of my multimeter placing the red probe on my left thumb and black probe on my right thumb i measured about 1 mega ohm for my body resistance. In bia pha is the relationship between resistance and reactance. Most body water is stored in muscle.