Mercury glass plastic thermometer 7. Types of thermomete r 6.

Ppt Body Temperature And Heat Regulation Powerpoint
Body temperature measurement ppt. A normal body temperature for infants aged 02 years ranges from 979100. Remove this presentation flag as inappropriate i dont like this i like this remember as a favorite. It is a thermodynamic or absolute temperature scale. The most common sites of measuring body temperature 5. There is an emphasis on clinical applications of clinical measurement such as indications practical techniques and interpretation of acquired data. Drinking hot water immediately before taking oral temperature.
Get the plugin now. In adult patients the temperature of an axillary measurement is lower than a rectal measurement up to 19 c. Clean and maintain the thermometer according to the procedures recommended by the user instructions. The exact relationship between different types of temperature measurement is unclear. The adobe flash plugin is needed to view this content. However this is only possible up to a certain body mass and this type of measurement also takes a long time.
Defined in terms of how a property is measured thermometers have a liquid that when placed in contact with another body either expands or contracts to be useful a thermometer needs a scale with major and minor delineations. During this period body temperature is highly dependent on the environmental temperature and its surroundings. Celcius c temperature scale is measured in 3. Unfortunately hypothermia temperature 365c remains a common finding in premature neonates following delivery resuscitation stabilisation and admission to the neonatal intensive care unit nicu. 36c 372 c normal temperature is 4. Kelvin scale many scientific measurements use the kelvin temperature scale.
Chemical disposable thermometer temperature sensitive tape 9. However the following general guidelines for temperature results are used. The average normal oral temperature is 986f 37c. In case body temperature needs to be taken regularly take the temperature at the same time of each day and use the. Ppt body temperature powerpoint presentation free to view id. Its zero point 0k is defined to coincide with coldest physically possible temperature.
Sometimes babies and young children have higher body temperature ranges than adults for armpit and ear measurements. Clinical measurement the final examination assumes knowledge of the primary frca examination syllabus with the addition of more sophisticated measurements. The temperature of absolute zero occurs at 0k 27315oc and the freezing point of water at sea level atmospheric pressure occurs at 27315k0oc. A rectal temperature is 05f 03c to 1f 06c higher than an oral temperature. The normal axillary temperature range is approximately between 347 c and 373 c. Electronic digital thermometer 8.