The researchers recommended that coaches and athletes must understand that sports performance requiring strength and power may be impaired by inadequate hydration resulting in increased susceptibility to injury. Dehydration is a recognized factor affecting bia measurements as it causes an increase in the bodys electrical resistance so has been measured to cause a 5 kg underestimation of fat free mass ie.

Bodyspec Will Drinking Water Affect My Scan
How does hydration affect body fat measurement. Hydration status can be useful when reviewing the results of a body composition test. Hydration was measured three times throughout the 10 measurements using bioelectrical impedance analysis bia. As you probably know the dxa scan categorizes all non bone and non fat matter as lean tissue including blood and other fluids. Body fat scales can be an easy way to track your body fat percentage but they may not tell the complete story about your health. Body mass index or bmi is the customary method used to measure obesity. Regarding those measurements specific to water and hydration both the 1 l water consumption and holding the bottle containing water resulted in significant increases in ffm without a significant change in fm.
For an adolescent it is expected to be slightly higher. By increasing the amount of water in your body youre effectively increasing your lean tissue amount and decreasing your body fat percentage. Its a calculation of your weight to height ratio and can provide insight into risk for diseases. Your body fat is pretty water dense so dense in fact that body fat is comprised of about 10 water. I have noticed that if i have a few beers the next morning my body fat reading is higher than i suspect it should be. A reading below 69 may indicate dehydration and result in a fat weight reading that is 3 5 too high.
Research findings by the chicago state university suggested that dehydration of 29 body mass decreases the ability to generate upper and lower body strength. An overestimation of body fat. How does hydration affect the output on a body fat scale. Accuracy can also vary depending on various factors including. When is the most accurate time of day to check your body fat. Body fat measurements are lower when measurements are taken shortly after consumption of a meal causing a variation.
Its been shown that for every five point increase in bmi your risk of death increases 31 and while bmi cant be used as a sole indicator for disease risk it does help. As can be expected the majority of the waters effect is on lean tissue. This is especially significant after completing a vigorous workout routine. That means that your changing level of hydration can have a significant effect on the body fat reading that you get. For an adult body water is expected to be 69 74 of lean body weight. I have been told the best time is the first thing in the morning before any food intake.
For example on the tanita website tanita is a brand of body fat scales it says under the faqs section that dehydration causes the body fat reading to come out higher than it actually is. There seems to be a lot of mixed answers to how hydration affects the body fat readings.