Therefore the main function of the femur is to transmit the weight of your body from hip bone to legs and also it provides anchor points to muscles. The main function of both skeletons is the provide support to the body while allowing movement.

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Similarities between male and female body measurement. Its rib cage is more rounded and smaller its lumbar curve greater and a generally longer and smaller female waist results from the chest being more narrow at the base and the pelvis generally not as high. Female hormones make it easier to convert fat into food. Muscle mass is distributed differently between the two because men have higher levels of testosterone and similar hormones that are necessary in building muscle mass. The key difference between male and female femur is that the male femurs are less angled than the female femurs. A male will have a much greater distance between the genitals and anus than females ½ inch apart on a male kitten or over 1 inch apart on a male adult cat. The femur is the longest strongest and heaviest bone of our skeleton system.
Finally in fat. The men were significantly older and more likely to be single and living alone. Both skeletons are made up of 206 bones. There were more similarities than differences between men and women but many gender differences were found. And have a substance use disorder. The female skeleton is generally less massive smoother and more delicate than the male.
Male and female skeleton are the two types of skeletons classified based on the sex. Men and women use different parts of the brain to handle the same task. Here are the biggest ones. Similarities between male and female skeleton. Body fat content is 25 for women at normal size compared to 15 for men. There are significant biological psychological and health related differences between men and women.
The body composition of men and women are more similar than you think. The pelvis is in general different between the human female and male skeleton. All other things being equal such as age and exercise levels women require fewer calories per pound of body weight daily than do men. Here are the ways the male brain is so vastly different from the female brain. This is the thigh bone. Conversely if the two are almost adjacent on a kitten or less than 12 inch apart on an adult its a female.
Men were more likely to obsess about their genitals body build and thinning hairbalding. Women more often do the cooking in the households. A womans brain is 10 smaller than a mans brain according to overall brain volumehowever it does not affect the levels of intelligence and scientists are unsure of which regions hold the volume differences. While the two genders or other genders can each do anything the other can do in day to day life these differences may affect the way we perceive the world the way we behave to some extent and our health. The differences mostly occur because of male and female hormones. They mainly contain a skull rib cage pelvis and limbs.