Chandra shekhar azad quotes in hindi chandra shekhar azad slogan in hindi chandra shekhar azad thoughts in hindi चदर शखर आजद क शदध वचर एव परसदध कथन chandra shekhar azad quotes in hindi chandra shekhar azad thoughts in hindi chandra shekhar azad ke suvichar chandra shekhar azad ke anmol vachan. Azad parents were pandit sitaram tiwari and jagarani devichandra shekhars mother desired to make her son a famous sanskrit student and so she convinced his father to send him to kashi vidyapeeth in varanasi to study sanskrit.

Biography Chandrashekhar Azad Archives Ng School
What is the slogan of chandra shekhar azad. What was the famous slogan of chandra shekhar azad. Chandra shekhar azad 23 july 1906 27 february 1931 popularly known as azad the liberated was one of the most fearless and greatest freedom fighters of india. He is considered to be the mentor of bhagat singh and cheif stragiest of hsra source. 23 july 1906 27 february 1931 popularly known as by his self taken name azad the free was an indian revolutionary who reorganised the hindustan republican association hra under its new name of hindustan socialist republican army hsra after the death of its founder ram prasad bismil and. Chandra shekhar azad pronunciation help info. Sometimes also spelled chandrasekhar.
Cs azad chandra shekhar azad was born on 23 july 1906 in badarka of unnao district in up. He received his early schooling in bhavra. Its first use by a revolutionary was in 1929 when bhagat singh shouted it after bombing the central assembly. Enlightening the need of the hour this slogan urged people to fight for what was right. आपक यह chandra shekhar azad hindi quotes images कस लग कपय comment करक हम जरर बतए. Chandra shekhar azad ji nickname was young turk.
If you like chandra shekhar azad hindi quotes images its request to kindly share with your friends on facebook google twitter and other social media sites. Chandra shekhar azad was born chandra shekhar tiwari to pandit sita ram tiwari and jagrani devi on july 23 1906 in bhavra village in jhabua district of madhya pradesh. Dushman ki goliyon ka hum samna karenge azad hee rahein hain azad hee rahenge. He is popularly known as azad. He was an ardent follower of lord hanuman from a young age. Here i have compiled down some of the popular chandra shekhar azad quotes and.
What is the slogan of chandra shekhar azad. A patriotic poem by bismil azimabadi later used as a slogan by ramprasad bismil in the struggle challenged the authority of british rulers. Chandra shekhar grew up with bhils who inhabited the area and learnt wrestling swimming along with archery. It is inquilab zindabad which means long live revolution 0 0. Never fall in love always rise in love never say we fell in love always say we feel the love.