Large shocks and jolts may cause health risks including back pain. Whole body vibration generally results from plant operators such as earth moving equipment truck drivers airplane helicopter pilots crane and train drivers and the like whereby their whole body oscillates up and down side to side and or back to front or a combination of these.

Monitor Your Own Whole Body Vibration Australasian Mine
Whole body vibration measurement equipment. For health and safety evaluations this is through the buttocks and feet of a seated person or the feet of a. Simultaneous 3 channel measurements of the x y and z vibration levels plus the vector sum using the relevant weighting curves. Designed specifically for the measurement of whole body vibration and the vibration dose value. Human exposure to whole body vibrations should be evaluated using the method defined in iso 2631 11997. The following precautions help to reduce whole body vibration exposure. Whole body vibration measurements equipment and procedure.
Install vibration damping seats. Ensure that equipment is well maintained to avoid excessive vibration. Measurements were obtained using an ios application wbv v22. Whole body vibration what is whole body vibration. The vibration meter can calculate hand arm vibration measurements according to iso 5349 and whole body vibration measurements according to iso 2631. Limit the time spent by workers on a vibrating surface.
Vibration is often complex contains many frequencies occurs in several directions and changes over time. Consequently relatively few measurements of whole body vibration are routinely undertaken at underground coal mines. Who can suffer from whole body vibration. Off road mining equipment operates on rough surfaces under harsh operating conditions that produce wbv and mechanical shock. Whole body vibration wbv is transmitted through the seat or feet of employees who drive mobile machines or other work vehicles over rough and uneven surfaces as a main part of their job. Whole body vibration measurement.
Drivers of some mobile machines including tractors fork lift trucks and quarrying or earth. Front end wheel loaders along with haul trucks show the highest number of injuries related to jarringjolting and whole body vibration. Sufficient whole body vibration measurements at underground coal mines to manage exposure to the hazard has previously been difficult because of the complexity expense and relative fragility of the measurement equipment. Whole body vibration is applicable to motions transmitted from workplace machines and vehicles to the human body through a supporting surface. Exposure to whole body vibration wbv negatively impacts the health and safety of exposed mine workers. Mechanically isolate the vibrating source or surface to reduce exposure.
Negative health effects of exposure to whole body vibration are prevalent in the industrial world today particularly where heavy earth moving equipment and off road vehicles are necessities. The pce vm 31 hawb human vibration meter is designed for measuring human vibration at the workplace. The initial phase of the research focussed on obtaining long duration measurements of whole body vibration during normal equipment operation.